On Wed, 2004-07-07 at 13:33, bulia byak wrote:
this code works Gtk::Image *pImg= new Image ("/x/y/z/toto.png");
while this one don't Gtk::Image *pImg= new Image (Gdk::Pixbuf::create_from_file("/x/y/z/toto.png"));
Judging by http://www.gtkmm.org/gtkmm2/docs/reference/html/classGtk_1_1Image.html, both uses are valid. But we haven't yet used Gtkmm in this project so I can't tell. Mental, can you comment?
As far as I know both examples are valid (and should be essentially interchangable), but I've not tried either. There are occasionally some gotchas which the documentation does not make clear.
Aubi, does "doesn't work" mean that it doesn't compile, or that it misbehaves when run? What are the error messages or deviations from expected behavior you encounter?