bulia byak wrote:
I just tried the new filedialog. I've never seen it before in any other program, and therefore I had not realized that it has one really bad problem: there's no text entry field for the filename anymore.
This means I cannot type in or paste a filename. All I can do is click click click, helplessly and infuriatedly. (Yes, I found I can press Ctrl+L from the dialog, but it's so stupid and inconvenient that I don't want to even discuss this. Besides, I actually read about it somewhere on the net - the dialog itself provides no clue on this hidden feature.)
OK, Gnome is free to blatantly disregard usability - I don't care, I don't use it anyway. But Inkscape is something I care about a lot. Hence my question: can we please restore the entry field and put default focus to it in the new dialog? If not, I think we should return to the old one.
I can't find the reference right now, but I found some message on Google about how to add a text widget to the open dialog. Just set_extra_widget(Gtk::Entry), and a couple of callbacks.