Here's a feedback.

How would you identify yourself?

On 4/29/2017 8:20 PM, Maren Hachmann wrote:
Am 29.04.2017 um 21:52 schrieb Ryan Gorley:
Hello all,
I have been in communication with Martin and Maren about assisting with
some marketing on the project. I am a designer and marketer by
profession. You can read the conversation
<> that got this
all started if you're interested, but in short, I feel passionately
about helping Inkscape succeed.

I am emailing to get your feedback on a survey I would like to begin
collecting responses for. As I see it, growing users and growing
contributors are two sides of the same coin for any successful FOSS
project. This particular survey is focusing on the user side of that
coin. My intent is to help develop criteria for, and consensus around,
who our primary markets for Inkscape should be. A free and open
application is of course for anyone to use for any reason. However,
because our resources in marketing this application are finite, we
really need to clarify and prioritize to have any hope for success.

So here is the survey:

/Don't spend your time responding (yet)/. I would like to make sure I'm
covering the right user segments here, so do email me with your
thoughts. I'm glad to meet you all and thanks for the help!
- Maybe makers (and perhaps amateurs/hobbyists?) could be added?


Ryan Gorley @ Dijt <>

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