I think this is a much bigger issue than the current Inkscape release - but maybe some here are in position to help coordinate between the differnet gtk family groups. There are more than a few of us dealing with this - it seems like over 10% of the posts on the gtkmm developers list are about library/installation issues and it also seems to be a big issue for Inkscape release packaging. The problem stems from many independent library dependencies, different releases, and different version nos.
Regardless of the platform, we have found the biggest hassle of using gtkmm is the whole library dependency and management issue - it's a mess - we cannot even keep track of what versions of the different libraries we have on our few linux boxes - much less what we're including on our Windows builds (packaging the glade library set and the gtkmm set) or OSX builds. We know we're somewhere on the 2.6.x series - but even I can't say exactly where on each machine and that is no way to manage software QA. Hell, I can't even find one place that lists all the gtkmm dependencies and current matching versions.
Windows seems to have managed the shared dll hell problem by having very, very few, and more carefully controlled/tested releases, however, that seems to be a less desirable approach than frequent upgrades. Somehow I think a more unified gtk/gtkmm "studio" release approach is needed so that all the major dependency libs are "packaged" (even more than what Debian does) including glib, gtk, pango, libsigc, libglade, gtkmm, etc, etc. Then we know whether we are using "gtk development studio" 2.4.4 or 2.6.7 or 2.7.1 or whatever and all is well with our matching dependencies. Sure, it will not be or is not easy to coordinate all these different gkt related projects or personalities but once we have this organized, then we can better control and package which "studio lib package" our apps work/ship with. Heck, maybe there is even a opportunity here for a group to package all this the same way Red Hat, Debian, etc packages all the kernel dependencies, maybe we need something like "Gtk Core 8" :)
bulia byak wrote:
On 7/20/05, Santiago Roza <santiagoroza@...400...> wrote:
OK, it was just a suggestion; I guessed it would be possible (with some coordination) that all teams (Inkscape, Gaim, GIMP, etc) agreed on standardizing over one GTK bundle, and linked to it dynamically.
I think the most realistic is a combined package of Inkscape + Gimp for Windows, and if this is realized it will make sense to use shared libraries in it.