5 Feb
5 Feb
2:14 a.m.
W dniu 4 lutego 2011 16:38 użytkownik ~suv <suv-sf@...58...> napisał:
- Node tool
- Pencil (freehand) tool
- Pen (bezier) tool
Node tool brokenness should be fixed in 10035, but might creep out in other places that rely on curve classification. Look for dynamic casts to CubicBezier, QuadraticBezier and LineSegmnt to localize them.
I'm going abroad tomorrow morning and won't be able to commit any code in the coming week (until February 14th), so here are some leads if someone wants to fix this before I come back. It looks like dynamic casts to CubicBezier fail for some reason. Either it's some intricate dynamic_cast issue, or pathv_to_linear_and_cubic_beziers (in helper/geom.cpp) does not actually contain CubicBeziers.
Regards, Krzysztof