I agree that it's not appropriate for him to block you from posting, and some of these other items need to be addressed. Grady is a passionate man, like all of us he can get defensive about items, but his intentions are good. I think we should let this cool down for a couple days and I'm willing to discuss this matter with him directly.


On 9/19/18 10:45 AM, C R wrote:
Seems they have blocked me entirely from posting.
Yea, that's not cool. :)


On Wed, Sep 19, 2018 at 5:31 PM C R <cajhne@...400...> wrote:
imho, they should not be in charge of moderating the Inkscape's g+ feed.

The name of this moderator is Grady Broyles.

They have:

1. Falsely asserted that pngs are lossy. (not good for the project)
2. Falsely asserted that pngs are locked at 96dpi (just plain wrong, esp for those wanting to print their pngs)
3. Abused their moderator status by blocking arguments proving his statements incorrect.
4. Engaged in personal attacks.

imho, this person is not fit to moderate the Inkscape G+ feed.

Thanks for your attention to this matter. :)

Here is a screenshot of the above: 

This was in response to my comment (which did not fit in the screencapture):
+Grady Broyles I've been exporting pngs from Inkscape at 600dpi A4 for the last 7 years... what on earth makes you think it is locked at 96 dpi?


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