Upload to the website worked: https://inkscape.org/~speleo3/%E2%98%85inkscape-frames-of-reference
I still won't be able to display that image on the wiki, that would require $wgAllowExternalImages, according to https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Linked_images#External_image_syntax
On 10/1/18 5:40 AM, doctormo@...400... wrote:
You could upload the svg to the website and link to it?
Best Regards, Martin Owens
On Sun, 2018-09-30 at 17:45 +0200, Thomas Holder wrote:
I'd like to add this scheme to the wiki:
However, uploading SVG is not permitted, I'm getting this error: "Upload warning: .svg is not a permitted file type. Permitted file types are png, gif, jpg, jpeg."
I've found two wiki pages which address coordinate systems:
- http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/CoordinateSystems Old (2005), but mostly correct
- http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/UI_and_Document_coordinates This one is linked from the Main page but was deleted!?
My questions:
- can SVG upload be enabled?
- do you know other relevant wiki pages about the topic?
Thanks, Thomas