On Sun, Mar 2, 2008 at 7:31 PM, Bryce Harrington <bryce@...1798...> wrote:
Here is how we can solve this for the release.
Bulia, the new standard Windows dialog was implemented by Kees in Nov/Dec/Jan in r16655, r16860, r16865, r16866 (and maybe a couple others I missed.) Please test reverting these and prepare a patch-set which removes the new print system and restores the old one.
I don't think I will be able to test it properly - I don't have a printer hooked up to my Windows laptop so I cannot really try printing from Windows.
Besides, I'm not sure this is the best approach. I think we should better spend the resources on testing the gtk/cairo patch and, if it works, building windows lib package with it.
And in general, I don't really feel like we're ready to release 0.46 tomorrow on ANY platform. Too little time in the freeze. Too many crash bugs still being reported. Just one thing, Ted's extension fixes are not ready yet (issues remain, what was fixed is not yet tested well enough) and not even in the 0.46 branch. Even the release notes are not finalized yet!
Sorry but this is how I perceive it. If these distro deadlines are so important (I never heard about them until today), someone should have made huge noises about them much earlier. (If the noises were being made and I just missed them, sorry, but from all the release process so far I didn't get the idea of urgency, it seemed quite laid-back to me.) So, painful as it is, I just don't think we are ready.
This is a lesson for all of us. We pride ourselves on the "always working" SVN, but in this case, the printing was known not to work, and was not even looked into, for many months. Perhaps everyone was just thinking, "we'll fix it for the release for sure, for now I want to play with something less boring" - and now the release is tomorrow and we're forced to make ugly rushed workarounds. Let's not allow such things happen again.