Passing along this job opportunity in case anyone is interested. OSUOSL hosts Inkscape's website, as well as a number of other open source projects.
----- Forwarded message from Lance Albertson <lance@...2167...> -----
Date: Wed, 6 Apr 2016 11:19:30 -0700 From: Lance Albertson <lance@...2167...> To: hosting@...2167... Subject: [Hosting] Full-time OSL Systems Engineering opening
We have a full-time systems engineer opening [1] at the OSL! This is to replace the vacancy that Jordan left when he went onto the Linux Foundation. If you or anyone else you know might be interested, please have them submit an application. I'm also open to any suggestions as to where we can promote this posting. Please pass this along to anyone you think might be interested.
Thank you all!
[1] https://osuosl.org/about/employment/full-time-systems-engineer