G'day everyone,
I had a thought after some observation and while it wouldn't look good on our already crowded toolbox, it should be fairly easy to implement a crop tool. In practice its just applying parent group to all things then a clippath and finally a resize page to contents command which we already have the code for... Also, it would be easy to have a rule that crops from the selection (if things are selected) by skipping that last resize page and only grouping the already selected stuff.. maybe attached as a mode of the default selector tool from the parent toolbar
My thinking is that right now creating clippaths is a weird concept for new-to-vector users, but almost everyone gets the idea of cropping
This could be a very achievable GSOC feature if someone is willing to mentor it..
Personally, I can see how much simpler it would be rather than drawing rects and making a weird selection every time i want to crop. to new users, this workflow is not obvious
What are the thoughts here?