bulia byak schrieb:
The tech drawing proposal is also interesting - I love and use KSEG which implements all this, and it would be interesting to see this working in Inkscape. From what I see, most if not all of these features can be implemented as LPEs and thus be sufficiently orthogonal to everything else.
Actually, due to my infamilarity with LPEs I hadn't realized that these would indeed be very well suited for this purpose. I had considered it necessary to introduce a new kind of "tech drawing" object, together with appropriate SVG attributes. But LPEs should provide (almost) all the framework that is needed.
Just to be sure: You are proposing to use them only internally, right? We would still need a well-designed UI to make working with geometric constructions easy and powerful. It would be awkward IMHO if the user were obliged to choose a LPE from the menu each time (s)he wants to do such a construction. BTW, would it be possible to avoid displaying these new LPEs in the menu, since they would be accessible otherwise?
What I'm wondering is how "geometric points" would be represented with the LPE approach. For example, when constructing the parallel to a line which passes through a given point, it should be possible to specify this point by clicking on the canvas (and possibly dragging it afterwards). Would this point be an additional parameter to the LPE? It shouldn't be present as an *ordinary* SVG element because it's only a "virtual" kind of data. But it should be draggable, and the parallel should follow, similar to how resizing a linked offset works.
Could a LPE display such a handle and react on it being dragged? How many "input objects" can a LPE have anyway? I think Johan added some functionality in this area recently. Would it be possible, e.g., to have _two_ lines as input for a single LPE? Something like this would be needed for angle bisectors.
Sorry if these are noob questions but I haven't used LPEs myself yet. But the more I think about it the more I like this approach. In particular, it looks much easier to do than I originally imagined. Great. :)
P.S.: Johan, I'm CC-ing you because you are most familiar with LPE internals. Hope this is okay.