Hi and welcome ! It's always nice to get new motivated  contributors :)

First, make sure you've read http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Google_Summer_of_Code

You next steps will be twofold:

(1) get two patches accepted (bugfixes for instance) in the codebase, and

(2) Discuss with Jabier in details what you will do, detail how long you think each part will take, in order to prepare the application. Good applications include way more details than the proposals, and a clear roadmap :)

The application itself will have to be posted before April 8th on the GSoC website.



On 3/24/19 7:08 PM, Alaa Nousir wrote:
Hello everyone!

I'm so excited to introduce myself and interact with the community here and
hopefully be a lively contributor to inkscape!

First things first, *who am I and why do I want to apply?*
I'm a communication and information engineering undergraduate student in
Zewail City, Egypt. I also happen to be a freelance artist who likes to
explore new art programs along the way. I'm in my 3rd year in engineering,
and I have taken a strong Object-Oriented programming course in C++ last
year and data structures and algorithms course this year. The final project
for the C++ course was to add features to a paint program! It was an
incredibly beneficial and fun experience. Some of the features were
resizing, creating new shapes, redoing, undoing, and other similar tasks.
Whenever I'm not learning anything new (through online courses or
university courses), I invest time to enhance my artistic skills.
I was skimming through the projects available to apply for in GSoC and I
found inkscape. I was immediately hooked. It's perfect in every possible
way! I'm already familiar with manipulating objects in GUIs, I have a
strong passion for art, I'm experienced enough to know what the user would
want to see available while drawing and I'm skilled in coding!

*What have I accomplished so far from the tasks listed in the GSoC website?*I
have already built and run the project, and I have chosen to work on P3.
slice Items. I believe I have what it takes to contribute. I'm currently
creating some artworks to upload on the website and formulating a rigid
timeline to follow for the project I chose.

*Inquiries: Regarding the submission of a drawing I have made task, I was
wondering where exactly should I submit it. Would it be enough to just
upload it on my inkscape profile and attach the link to my application? *

*Also, where should I submit my inkscape application exactly?*

Thank you for your time.

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