On Fri, 2011-06-17 at 17:45 +0200, Chris Lilley wrote:
On Thursday, June 16, 2011, 7:56:43 PM, Tavmjong wrote:
TB> The scope of Abhishek's work will be limited to parsing a font list TB> correctly and getting Inkscape to use the first available font in the TB> list.
I just wanted to point out that this is not the correct behaviour (and in fact there is a test in the SVG 1.1 test suite which specifically tests for this behaviour, and produces a fail if the implementation always picks the first available font in the list).
Instead, the list should be parsed and each character in the text should be displayed using the first font in the list which is a) available b) has a glyph for that character
Interesting. I doubt that Inkscape will ever implement the correct behavior as it would require that Inkscape be able to do all the book keeping to know which characters are available in which font. At the moment we use Pango to come up with the best match for a given font specification. Getting Inkscape to use the first available font in the list will be a small step forward (right now it treats a font list as a single font name and thus won't match anything).
BTW, only GPAC, Abbra, and Webkit pass the test; whether or not this is due to lack of SVG font support is not clear.