18 Dec
18 Dec
11:44 p.m.
On Sat, 18 Dec 2004 17:17:11 -0600, Bob Jamison <rwjj@...127...> wrote:
This is good, since we need to address the mixing of namespaces, like embedding SVG in XHTML.
Embedding is not a problem with the current scheme. If you have <svg> with xmlns= attribute setting the SVG namespace, it is the default for it and all its descendants. Ancestors of <svg> may have different default namespaces, it's all perfectly legal. See
for details.
Mozilla SVG uses this prefix already.
It does not matter what prefixes, if any, are used. What matters is that our SVG elements are in the namespace "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", and our files satisfy this requirement. I don't see any need to change anything.