The cross-platform EMF/WMF support that was merged recently needs some cleanups.
1. libunicode-convert. I don't exactly see why this particular set of functions was separated into a mini-library; I would expect that to be part of libuemf. It is also somewhat misleadingly named. I would name these files e.g. ms-symbol-font-utils.[hc].
2. I think libuemf should be in a separate directory, like libcola, not tucked away in src/extension/internal.
3. The new code should be made to conform to the Inkscape coding style. In most places it's a matter of running the code through astyle to fix the spacing, but in some cases manual adjustments are needed. For example, the function names in libunicode-convert are utterly non-descriptive ('isNon()' and 'CanUTN()' are not good names for library functions), and the return statements in src/extension/emf-inout.cpp incorrectly use parentheses around return values. http://staging.inkscape.org/en/develop/coding-style/
4. Some functions, such as msdepua(), have a rather strange mode of operation, modifying the string in place. The interface of those should be changed so that they are easier to use.
Regards, Krzysztof