We need to decide what to do about a whole set of bugs brought on by the current behavior when changing inkscape:document-unit.[1] In 0.48 this attribute only effected what values were shown in the GUI. All values inside the SVG file were still stored as 'user-units' ('px' in CSS styles). In 0.91 changing inkscape:document-unit form the 'Page' tab of the Document Properties dialog changes the 'viewBox' and attempts to change all the length units inside the SVG file (rectangle width/height, etc.) to match. I can see how this could be useful but it is incredibly difficult to do right as illustrated by the number of bugs reported (and the many more I am sure have not been reported, think, for example of all the length values inside filters).
Question: How easy would it be to revert back to the 0.48 behavior for 0.91?
[1] http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Units_In_Inkscape:_Document_Unit_Cha...