On 26/11/09 19:06, JiHO wrote:
On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 14:15, ~suv <suv-sf@...58...> wrote:
JiHO - do you know how best to handle and triage these reports when they are filed against Inkscape? Currently they get the additional tag 'gtk-osx' if the issue seems limited to the native GTK+ port used for the aqua builds.
I am not sure no. One problem could be that we use gtk +quartz from macports instead of the real gtk native distribution and macports can be lagging behind so we might be filing bugs that are already fixed and that is a good way to piss people off.
However, if someone feels like it, you could search for gtk-osx on launchpad and foward that to the gtk-osx folks. Their bug report is there: http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/gtk-osx/newticket please search for similar bug reports there (including in the closed bugs section since, as I said, we might be hitting old bugs).
After going through the bug reports in the gtk-osx tracker and searching for more information about the relation between gtk-osx and the (MacPorts) gtk2 '+quartz' variant, I think we only use two files that have a common root with the current version maintained by the gtk-osx project http://gtk-osx.sourceforge.net:
The OS X menu bar integration for Inkscape (+quartz) was committed in revision 17014 (2008-01-10), adding the two files ige-mac-menu.h and ige-mac-menu.cpp, and the function call 'ige_mac_menu_set_menu_bar' in src/interface.cpp (used if GDK_WINDOWING_QUARTZ is defined). AFAIU the 'ige-mac-menu' files originate from the now defunct 'gtk-osx' project from Imendio.com http://www.gtk-osx.org/ and are part of the new gtk-osx project since May 2009, after development by Richard Hult stopped in May 2008.
The core part of the native Inkscape builds however seems based on the quartz back-end of GDK/GTK+ which is (quietly) maintained at gnome.org http://live.gnome.org/GTK+/OSX/, its bugs are filed in the gnome bug tracker https://bugzilla.gnome.org, not in the gtk-osx tracker.
I propose to change the tag from 'gtk-osx' to 'gtk-quartz' (or drop the extra tag and just keep 'osx') for most of the current 'aqua' bug reports in Launchpad and to add links to any relevant GDK/GTK+ quartz reports in http://bugzilla.gnome.org - except for the remaining menu bar bugs where we are certain that the error is neither in gtk+ quartz nor in Inkscape's code but exists in the current (still unstable) version of the ige-mac-integration library as well (but I don't know how to figure this out without having someone building Inkscape or at least the gtk+ dependencies with the build, bundle and integration tools offered by gtk-osx, completely outside of MacPorts, and maybe rewriting some of the inkscape code to make use of any additional API functions).
~suv (still appreciating the co-existence of X11 and OS X Aqua ;-)
p.s. above distinction between gtk-osx and the GDK/GTK+ quartz module follows this explanation from the gtk-osx.sf.net project site:
«The native Quartz display is handled by libgdk-quartz and libgtk-quartz which are part of the GTK+-2 code base and are not part of the GTK-OSX project. Unfortunately, these libraries are not yet feature-complete. What's more, while most other Gnome functionality can be made to work on OSX, few if any of the developers have any interest cross-platform compatibility. Developers considering GTK+ as a cross-platform environment for new work are advised to evaluate other toolkits carefully before committing to GTK if they consider OSX an important market.»