On Thu, 2006-12-07 at 17:32 -0600, Aaron Spike wrote:
bulia byak wrote:
On 12/7/06, MenTaLguY <mental@...3...> wrote:
Inkscape featured (briefly) as a demo application for this guy's project to develop Linux drivers for the Wiimote.
Might be worth a news item on our front page... Aaron what do you think?
I'm willing to serve as a bridge between the devel list and the news page. I will occasionally summarize happenings here and post items. But items such as this really don't suit my tastes. I think it is interesting and great, but I don't feel like doing a write up myself.
Aaron Spike
Excellent! We should also try to encourage new developers to do this as well...yah, there good tutorials on youtube for using inkscape. Those would be more suitable IMO.