On 21/2/11 23:27, J.B.C.Engelen@...1887... wrote:
I just committed a new display mode: grayscale. It is separate from the other display modes. The grayscale mode is a "Color display mode", see the menu. When activated, it shows all colors in grayscale on-canvas. This does not (yet?) influence exporting, or saving. It only concerns the on-canvas view of the file, like outline display mode.
Shouldn't a 'Color display mode' also affect the rendering of embedded or linked images?
Right now, there is no preference to change the grayscale calculation. At the moment it uses: grayscale value = 0.33 * red + 0.59 * green + 0.11 * blue. I found this somewhere on internet, but forgot where, and it might be wrong/unusual. I intended to add a preference setting for these values, but have not done so. Let me know if that is desired.
There are already several similar conversions used in Inskcape, two in 'Extensions > Color' (Desaturate, Grayscale), and one in 'Filters > Color > Desaturate'. Possibly the formulas could be coordinated so that the same color effect is achieved, be it as color display mode, extension modifying the objects' style attribute or as SVG filter effect?
I tried assigning Shift+keypad5 to toggle the color display mode, but it does not work here on my netbook (Ctrl+keypad5 does work). Perhaps this is a Windows bug. If someone can suggest another keybinding, or...
None of the default keyboard shortcuts assigned to keys from the numeric keypad work on an Apple laptop or wireless keyboard either (the embedded or emulated numeric keypad was removed by Apple). But at least they can be remapped in a custom user keymap file.