aaron@...749... wrote:
Do take notice that these px are SVG's "user units". Bulia mentions this below. While there are normally 72 px per inch, there are 90 SVG user units per inch.
There are *sometimes* 90 SVG user units per inch.
Currently that's the default Inkscape falls to, but is not required (or possibly even desired).
Section 7.10 of the SVG spec includes the bit "For example, suppose that the user agent can determine from its environment that "1px" corresponds to "0.2822222mm" (i.e., 90dpi)."
Notice "For example" and "suppose." It's a very subtle and tricky area, but probably subject to change once I figure out the best way to go about things. Also... just a little farther in the spec they have an example that assumes 96dpi, not 90dpi.