On Mon, Aug 29, 2005 at 11:39:50PM +0100, Lee Braiden wrote:
On Monday 29 August 2005 23:34, Ted Gould wrote:
Lee Braiden wrote: I just don't think that we are prepared to handle directories of information being generated by an output extension. I think they should be put into a single file package, I don't care whether it is .zip, .tar.gz, .tar, .tar.bz2 or .rar. I just feel that'll be a much cleaner solution given the current implementation.
Hmm, I've not tried out svgslice but am familiar with the need for having multi-file output from extensions.
Ted, I see your point about the conceptual cleanness of having a single file output, however I'd encourage you to be open minded on this.
From a practical point of view it may be quite useful to have the output
be a directory of files.
(Similarly, I could imagine the usefulness of the converse - given a directory full of files, generate a single SVG file that summarizes everything.)
Anyway, in the spirit of "patch first, discuss later", perhaps you could have Lee add his code in and then you can focus on the specific implementational issues where you see there may be better ways of doing things. I think you two can come up with a pretty brilliant feature if you work together on it.