OK, looking into this a little further, it seems that there is a Debian package libgtest-dev, which contains the Googletest source code, and a google-mock package, which provides the gmock binaries. It may be possible to adapt the CMake builds to allow us to use these packages. I'll look into it!
On 7 June 2016 at 18:11, Alex Valavanis <valavanisalex@...400...> wrote:
Summary: If we want to run tests in the PPA, we probably need to include a copy of gtest source in our repo. Any objections?
Hi All,
Are there any objections to bundling a copy of the Google test framework source code into our trunk repo? At the moment, we provide the download-gtest.sh script for grabbing the gtest source from upstream. However, this presents a couple of issues:
- It's obviously dependent on a network connection to the upstream
packages being available
- We can't run the wget download in the Ubuntu builder
Can I suggest that we simply adopt a copy of the gtest source? Are there any good reasons (e.g. licensing) not to do this? I'm generally not keen on repo bloat but AFAIU it's generally considered good practice to bundle test frameworks with project source code.