I'm currently trying to implement customizable filters (try Filters>Experimental) with Ivan Louette, and found (thanks to ~suv) a small bug in the code of the feComponentTransfer primitive (see https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/638943).
To summarize, when the effect preview is updated (sometimes after many changes) the following error shows in the console: gboolean sp_document_add_resource(SPDocument*, const gchar*, SPObject*): assertion `!g_slist_find(rlist, object)' failed
sp_document_add_resource is called from componenttransfer.cpp, line 103, preceded by the comment: //do we need this? When this call is commented out, the error message doesn't show, but I'm not sure it's safe to remove it. It is also used in some other filters (pointlight.cpp, distantlight.cpp, spotlight.cpp and componenttransfer-funcnode.cpp) always with the same kind of comment (or // is this necessary?), but in these cases, the resources are released differently (compare sp_fedistantlight_release with sp_feComponentTransfer_release).
Could someone give a clue? or a fix ;) Regards, -- Nicolas