On Mon, 2009-09-14 at 10:24 +0400, Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:
On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 10:21 AM, Joshua A. Andler wrote:
I think that 0.48 and it's point releases will take care of the focus on bugfixing (in the meantime)... seriously.
Yay, those point releases have been like good old friends to me that you don't see anymore after moving to a new continent :) If we are really going to have them back, then surely serious bugfixing can be part of 0.48.x.
The point releases have a place... we should have had a couple for 0.46 honestly. If you would like to point fingers, I am willing to take the blame for it as I was a release warden for it and for this release. This release cycle was a real eye opener as to what being overly optimistic gets you. I want to avoid point releases for 0.47 if possible and really focus on the transition to a DVCS and then 0.48 and it's point releases. We know 0.49 will not happen for quite a while which is why I'm being so vocal about a plan to have the point releases for 0.48.
Before 0.47 we hadn't had any major refactoring cycles... we now know how long it can take and how bad it can be to clean up. With this hindsight, we know as a community what needs to be done differently. I can't do much more than to tell you I'm committed to maintaining 0.48 while the people really doing the hard work can focus on what they need to for the refactoring effort. I will backport any fixes possible, I will ask for help when needed, I will put in the time necessary to make sure that 0.48 and it's point releases will be rockin'.
Cheers, Josh
P.S. Move continents all you want Alexandre, I'll nag you wherever you go. ;)