Maybe found a solution for the 'same string, different context' issue. It is based on http://developer.gnome.org/doc/API/2.0/glib/glib-I18N.html , and has a very small impact on the code. It works (compile and run) on my computer (compiled under Unbuntu, gcc3.3, following the indications of the wiki), and behaves OK in French and in English. The patch is attached there : http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1203796&gro...
It only requires developpers to use the Q_("context|translatable_string) when translatable_string is something that can have different meanings in different context, or if the string is very short.
If this solution is ok for you, I can : - add some comments for translators on the already modified strings (only X,Y,W,L in src/select-toolbar.cpp and H,S,V in /src/dialogs/clonetiler.cpp - implement this solutions in some other cases (of short/ambiguous strings)