Thanks everyone for your help.  I have just verified two ways to get my v91 files to be workable in v92 and also in the 3rd party silhouette studio cutting software!!

*Method 1 - Suggested by Karina

Open the v91 file in v92 and choose the first "physical" option (the one that says "choose if unsure" - mentions masks, etc)

> The graphic scale is preserved.  When ready for the cutting software use File Save As "Plain SVG".  The file opens perfect in silhouette studio.

*Method 2 - Suggested by Jabier

Open the v91 file in v92 and choose "digital art" file option.  Next use the Extensions Document DPI 96 to 90.  Save.

> SVG is correctly scaled in both softwares!

I think I will use Method 1 (though I don't understand the underlying changes.) because I DO end up saving a copy (not master) for the cutter machine anyway.

Thanks all!   :D

If you developers want to add a "SVG 1.1" save as option for SVG and/or a DPI save option for SVG that would be great but my issue is solved as of the time being.  I guess as long as "plain svg" keeps being plain. ;)

From: Marc Jeanmougin <marc@...3062...>
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2017 4:46 PM
Subject: Re: [Inkscape-devel] SVG in 92 and Phyisical Scale
> both "physical output" conversions produce a valid
> svg file where the orange area occupies a 11"x8.5" space being the
> entire page

Oops, sorry, I was too fast on this one, actually the least recommended
method ("accuracy of the physical unit size") does not appear to set a
viewBox at all©ö, so the size of stuff will depend on the UA


©ö:wtf, why ¡æ I will investigate on that