On Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 5:22 PM, Jasper van de Gronde <th.v.d.gronde@...528...> wrote:
Aurélio A. Heckert wrote:
... There is no testing dots with Fails and Errors marks. There is only a compilation error trowing. :-(
What is wrong? The unity testing infrastructure is really working?
It used to :) Over the summer I worked on getting it into shape, and recently it still worked for me on Windows, but I currently can't test it on Linux myself. If you can be of any help in getting it working again that would be great (if it also fails on Windows I'll probably get around to having a look on Tuesday).
Ooh... I'm not the right guy to do that. :-/ But i believe in TDD and i think is important to make that back to work. Someone may do it?
We may use a commit role: Comity only after the "make check" Ok! I and my friends use this role where i work, and is interesting to see how we do bad interactions with other unexpected peaces of code.