I don't know if it helps but because the menus are rendered by the OS I can get to the font dialog, and the font preview in that dialog renders just fine. Nothing in the actual interface does though.

Matthew Peterson
Christa McAuliffe Space Education Center

On Sat, Jun 28, 2008 at 1:38 AM, jiho <jo.irisson@...400...> wrote:

On 2008-June-27  , at 20:45 , Matt Peterson wrote:

Installed versions of pango and cairo are (copied straight from macports):
 pango @1.16.5_0
 pango @1.20.2_0+no_x11
 pango @1.20.3_0+no_x11 (active)
 cairo @1.6.4_0+no_x11
 cairo @1.6.4_1+macosx+no_x11 (active)
As you can see, both of the active versions for cairo and pango have X11 disabled. I followed the instructions from http://www.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/CompilingMacOsX
under the "Compiling Inkscape with native GTK using MacPorts [experimental]" heading to the best of my ability.

then I am not sure what to tell you. I haven't been trying this for a while. I just remember hitting that problem before and finally solving it.... but I don't remember precisely how unfortunately :(
If you look into pango options (in pango's code or in macports : port edit pango) there is (was at least) a switch to specify rendering via cairo instead fo freetype. The result is that fonts are smoother than in the X11 version but that works.
I won't be able to check this more before 2 or 3 weeks. Keep me in copy of your messages until then please. It is great that you work on this.