On Sep 21, 2013 2:27 PM, "Krzysztof Kosiński" <tweenk.pl@...400...> wrote:
> I prefer Bazaar over Git, for the following reasons:
> 1. Git does not support bound branches or lightweight checkouts.

Ugh. I use lightweights to follow GSoC student progress as well as the occasional feature branch.

> 2. It requires MSYS on Windows. (Maybe not a big problem, but btool
> exists exclusively to avoid relying on MSYS.)

I think that if we can get to a unified build system across platforms it would trump dependency requirements (with the exception of Cygwin... we should never impose that on anyone).

> 4. The default behavior of basic commands is borderline malicious. For
> instance, "git pull" will autocommit a merge if it applies cleanly,
> even though it might not compile at all, "git diff" will not show
> changes in files added to the staging area, and "git commit" will do
> nothing if you don't first execute "git add". To get a sane behavior,
> one needs to always say "git pull --no-commit", "git diff HEAD" and
> "git commit -a".

That sounds downright painful and scary.

> 6. Some commands with names taken from Bazaar / SVN / CVS do something
> completely different, leading to confusion. For example, "git revert"
> is equivalent to "bzr merge -r -1..-2 && bzr commit", not to "bzr
> revert".

Given that the three VCSs you listed are the only ones I've worked with deeper than only checking out and updating, that just seems like it would be unpleasant to retrain my brain.
