Maybe it's not quite nice to pose this question, but I just need some info to consider my plans.
From April 11th to 16th, the ESTIEM Spring Council Meeting will take
place in Lyon, France. As the design coordinator I will be leading a PR working group. While a lot of time will be needed to work on the ESTIEM webpage, esp. it's content, I am thinking about introducing the working group to Inkscape, since so far vectors have badly been neglected for ESTIEM design tasks.
Before having many people complain about some lacking functions, I'd like to know, where you think Inkscape will stand at that point of time. Any chance of my main issues being addressed by then?
- On canvas text editing, including flowtext - Working ai/ps/eps(/pdf <- that'd be just great!) output, including transparency and gradients - Ability to add a node anywhere on a line -- via right-click - Real clipping paths for images (and svg objects)
I'm not saying Inkscape was unusable without these functions. I think it's a wonderful piece of software, as you know, but it takes quite some personal effort to work with it, sometimes. So while I myself use Inkscape for basically everything graphical I'm doing, it will be hard to convince people without this special open source spirit.