Hi and thanks for your response.
I see you are quite involved with guidelines (among others) since I see your name there.
J.B.C.Engelen@...1578... wrote:
I guess this feature fits in the category of projects that doesn't mess much with the base code, since it uses already existing features.
I think this is correct. The full spec mentions guides in sets, that would be a change with perhaps backwards compatability issues, beware!
I hoped that "sp_guide_set" in sp_guide.cpp quietly implemented the sets but I didn't have the time to check. So, I guess the project can break in 2 phases. One for the UI construction and one for the set feature.
All correct. About the last point: SPGuideLine is a 'canvasitem' and must define an update and render function (see guideline.cpp:65-66). It also defines a 'point' function so that Inkscape knows when the cursor is above it. Then an event is sent which is handled by 'sp_dt_guide_event' in desktop-events.cpp.
ok, I see, the object has to inform the renderer in order to redraw.
Seems you grasp the code fine!
Thanks, I try to do my best :)
- SnapManager manages the snapping. However, I haven't
figured out if snapping and guidelines are directly connected. (However. this isn't relevant with the UI feature)
They are not directly connected. SPNamedview holds a list of all guides, snapmanager polls spnamedview to see which guides are there. Indeed it does not matter for the UI thing. Basically we need a UI to write nicely to XML, than snapping will just work :)
I thought so, I just wanted to make sure.
This is an early search and I am just getting in touch with Inkscape internal. So, if I get something wrong or if you have any hints and directions they are welcome. (I've seen the dev docs you have on the wiki)
As far as the feature specification is concerned, I would like to ask about the Design -> On-canvas editing section. The first 3 actions are already implemented. The last 2 were not implemented for a reason or you simply didn't have the time?
It's just a full description of how the endresult should be. The functionality that is already present is apparantly meant to be maintained! :)
Please note that guides cannot be selected. Making them selectable is probably a big task involving changing lots of inkscape's internals, so stay away from it (the spec doesn't want selectable guides which is good :).
This is the only part where I can't follow. What do you mean with "selectable"? Currently you can click on the guide and move it, or pop up a window with double click for its properties. But I think that's not what you mean.
Regards Vangelis Katsikaros
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