On Thu, Jul 07, 2016 at 09:14:34AM +0200, Sebastian Faubel wrote:
Hello everybody,
I submitted a merge request of my Inkscape branch yesterday. Thanks to Marc it has already found its way into trunk - big thank you for the quick review.
The branch I submitted now has full support for compiling Inkscape on Windows with 32-Bit and 64-Bit environments. It also supports out of source builds and should also work with Unix llike command lines such as Cygwin and MSYS. After weeks of investigation I managed to get locales to work and have an executable icon along with all application icons.
Excellent work, an important step forward.
Actually, the only thing that it distinguishes from a btool build now is that it does not (yet) produce the inkscape.com console binary. However, that should not be a big deal. In all other regards it should be ready for testing and packaging. I already updated the Wiki page with the new compilation instructions.
Very cool. Do you know about when we'll be able to make the binary? When that milestone is hit, that would probably be a good point for me to roll another pre-release.
Again, thank you Marc and hopefully we're a step closer now to a 0.92 release on all platforms.
Awesome. Speaking of platforms, where are we at on OSX regarding binary packages?
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