On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 8:35 AM, <jbc.engelen@...2592...> wrote:
Off-topic, but, ...??!?!?!?!? ;) (it's hard to even remember LPEs *not* being live-editable on canvas)
Maybe it's in reference to some being only partially editable on canvas at any given time? Envelope is an example where you you have 4 control paths, but need to actually toggle between them rather than them being all available all the time. I could be mistaken.
As an aside though, it could be a reference to how GIMP now does on-canvas text editing (in their development branch). http://libregraphicsworld.org/articles.php?article_id=34 If you scroll down to the on-canvas text part, note the floating panel which is available when you click into a text item. It's really a usability win (imho) over our approach with the tool controls bar or docked dialogs.
If an object has LPEs applied, how wicked would it be to have the control right next to the object? Note, the usability win is imho minimal mouse movement and making the proper editing tools more "obvious".
Cheers, Josh