2014-04-09 9:58 GMT+02:00 Jabiertxo Arraiza Cenoz <jabier.arraiza@...2893...>:
Hi to all. I have a problem if I convert a ellipse to path. The path value have a "d" value. It render ok, but if you move a node and come back to original position the "d" property of the path is diferent. It give me some problems accessing to the Geom::CubicBezier of the original path segment, it give me a false cubic segment.
This is expected. The node editor can currenntly only edit cubic Bezier and linear segments, so when any change is made to a path that contains other segment types, the path will be converted to contain only those segment types.
Editing other segment types is something I would like to eventually add, but it would require a fairly extensive rewrite. There are also some UI problems: 1. Smooth nodes would be much harder to support, and symmetric nodes wouldn't make a lot of sense; auto nodes would probably have to be removed. 2. Not only nodes but also segments would have types. 3. I'm not sure what the controls could look like for arc segments.
Regards, Krzysztof