Ralf Stephan wrote:
It appears that pangomm/layout.h has to be explicitly included, Aaron, can you confirm that cvs compiles now for you on Linux?
Can you please do a grep --recursive ELLIPSIZE /usr/include and quote the output?
Yeah, it is blank. I will make myself some new libs after 0.43 goes our and I update to breezy. (That should be soon, right? ;) )
Right now, I can't compile anywhere. Yesterday I was able to compile on my linux box at work, but I updated this morning and I get errors. I have old gtkmm on my linux box at home. And I have no clue what is going on with my laptop at home, but I did a clean checkout this morning and it was totally borked.
I think I'll sit out for a little while until some of the other win32 compiling guys say it is safe for kids.
Aaron Spike