Bryce Harrington wrote:
Yes it would. We changed to fill-opacity 0.75 when we set the default colors for the basic shapes, because we thought the colors turned out better with a little alpha, but we didn't notice that it affected the text settings as well... Hmm...
I played with it a little bit, and while the colors do look good with a 3/4ths alpha, I'm wondering if for users unfamiliar with what alpha is, if that default might lead to some confusion, since their objects will "bleed" color through each other. So maybe setting default alpha to 1 would be the safest?
You're right! And we should make everything grey for people who don't understand colours. And why do we have that spiral again?
Come on, people are sold on their first impressions, alpha makes things look a little more interesting. If anything is wrong, it is the fact that people seem to be unable to work out how to set the transparency - this is the bug, not whatever values we choose for a default.