Hi, these are my proposal, they come from my everyday use of dtp sofware: Another use is text editing. Is much confortable to write and edit text within Abiword. Place the text frames and everything is done in Inkscape. Text could be linked to files. If you edit a text in Abiword, it reflects in Inkscape. Another great advantage would be to make Glabels help Inkscape to prepare the Imposition for labels. You edit one label or bussiness card with Inkscape and a menu option: Impositon makes the card open in Glabels. Imposotion also helps people, bussiness or schools with few money, save some by making double copies in the same paper and cutting it.
I find both: -text editing facilities: Abiword -Cards/labels Imposition: Glabels really really helpful.
yours: Néstor Díaz
El Miércoles 10 Marzo 2004 21:18, Alan Horkan escribió:
Are you suggesting 'Gnumeric provides the SVG, Inkscape draws it'?
I wasn't so much think about 'Gnumeric provides...'
I was thinking/hoping that the because the graphing functionality of Inkscape has been seperated out into a library and that inkscape could reuse that only that part of Gnumeric and do so relatively easily without the need to do things by embedding.
However I haven't given much thought as to how an interface to the graphing functionality could be constructed. One of the ways would be to embed Gnumeric using Bonobo but I hope that there is some other more generic portable way.
Not sure I'm explaining it very well but unless a developer is interested there is not point in my talking about it. I should probably just file an RFE and hope it gets included in the long term plans.
Alan Horkan http://advogato.org/person/AlanHorkan/
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