Several people have asked me to let them know if there is anything they can do to help out toward DOM scripting. I came across something today that would be of excellent help.
It is quite possible that ActionScript might turn out to be a much better fit than Spidermonkey as our JS engine, since it is C++ and we would be able to use C++ inheritance rather than Spidermonkey's C bindings, which are hard to understand, convoluted, and incredibly verbose.
We would need to test this out first, however, to make sure that it is feasible and worth the effort.
What we would need is a MinGW build of ActionScript. The free Mozilla version of this is called Tamarin, and is available at:
The code can be checked out via cvs: cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@...1680...:/cvsroot co mozilla/js/tamarin
The problems I found are mostly these:
1. there are a lot of _asm{} chunks distributed through the code, and when they include a chunk with #ifdef WIN32, they assume that you are using MSVC. What they really need is to split their #ifdefs for win32 to _MSC_VER and __MINGW32__. MinGW needs to use the same asm code as the linux-ia32 pieces.
2. setjmp in mingw is defined as a macro, so when they wrap that in a macro later, there is a problem
3. GrowableBuffer has some Intel asm in one place, but -no- gcc asm version. Someone needs to write the 10 lines gcc-style.
There are others. If the hacks are clean, we could help out the Mozilla guys by sending them a patch. They could use this for Linux, too.
So if people are really serious about helping out with scripting, this is a good place to start. Thanks.