On 10/18/05, jiho <jo.irisson@...400...> wrote:
On 18 oct. 05, at 08:06, Ben Fowler wrote:
On 10/17/05, jiho <jo.irisson@...400...> wrote:
On 17 oct. 05, at 10:45, Ben Fowler wrote:
If not (though this may be a low priority issue) then we ought to think about how to select hidden or invisible objects.
It is possible to select it, the problem is to select it individually. Indeed "select all" selects this object also but then all other objects have to be de-selected in order to keep only this one ...
I have 4 objects. I select objects 1 and 2 ... ... . I can unselect any object by SHIFT + clicking on it but I cannot unselect multiple objects by SHIFT + dragging around them. [...]
Do I file an RFE (I cannot find any about this)?
I think: Yes.
My UI would be:
Marquee = Replace selection Shift-Marquee = Extend selection Opt-Marquee = Remove from selection
Ideally, the cursor should adopt a + and - emblem in the last two cases. FWIW, I would have the same convention for clicking, to wit: Shift-click Adds and Opt-click Subtracts.
See http://tavmjong.free.fr/INKSCAPE/MANUAL/html/ch05s02.html
Note: Shift drag should also not select and move the item (if any) that is clicked on.
Note: Shift-clicking toggles selection (not an unreasonable behaviour, but one that I do not like).
Note: Opt-clicking drills down through nested/buried objects.
Request: The documentation should specify exactly how to:
1. Select an invisible object 2. See that some hidden or locked objects were not included in the selection 3a. Select an object too large for the selection cues to be visible 3b. Select an object where it is buried and cannot be clicked on, and overlain and/or partly off screen and cannot be marquee'd in toto 4. Select a buried object 5. Select one object from a group
Note: (5) I expect Opt-click to do that, but it is in use by 'Select under'
Note: If Inkscape acquires a Navigator palette, then (2) may well be solved (as the mimic will show the selection extending outside the field of view, and possibly (3) will be simplified.
Finally, I think that the documentation should say that the process of selecting objects is important in everyday use of any drawing package, and may be changed when new ideas are tried out; not only in its details, but possibly in areas that are central to the workflow.
Conversely, we should not ever make disruptive changes in this area after version 1.0 (at least not without changing the name of the program).