Am Sonntag, den 20.08.2006, 00:09 -0700 schrieb Jon Phillips:
Heya dudes and dudettes,
It has been bothering me that there aren't icons for some menu items. I went ahead and took a stab at finishing the rest of the icons in the main menus. Please critique my new ones with your own changes...I just wanted to get the ball rolling...
Apropos icons, I know the icon-theme is just one release old. But what do you thinking about switching to an icon theme, that follows the Tango style guidelines? The nice thing about the Tango style is, that it fits very nice in Gnome, KDE, Windows XP and Mac OS X. Furthermore the next version of Gimp and Scribus will have tangofied icons too.
Some links:
Tango Desktop Project:
Tango ArtLibreSet:
Tango Gimp:
Tango Scribus:
Tango 2.0:
Regards, Tobias