6 Feb
6 Feb
9:46 p.m.
On Feb 6, 2008 5:12 PM, MenTaLguY <mental@...3...> wrote:
On Wed, 6 Feb 2008 16:37:14 -0400, "bulia byak" <buliabyak@...400...> wrote:
As I said in that bug, I more like the idea of it adding a blur on top of the current stack, or adjust one if it exists - that was my thinking from the very beginning. Is this too difficult to implement?
The only problem is what we do if multiple objects are sharing an SVG filter -- do we make a private clone of the filter like we do for gradients when adjusting transforms? (since object blurs should presumably be adjustable independently)
Since SVG gives us no way to add several filters to the same object, I think cloning the stacks is the only way to go.
bulia byak
Inkscape. Draw Freely.