Would it be OK to backport the Synfig Animation Studio (.sif) exporter into 0.48.3? And maybe the Digimemo (.dhw) importer as well.
2012/2/1 ~suv <suv-sf@...58...>
On 01/02/2012 21:46, Krzysztof Kosiński wrote:
2012/1/30 Alex Valavanis <valavanisalex@...400...>:
There are only two remaining open bugs that are tagged for 0.48.3 milestone[1,2]. Are we planning to backport any of the remaining "backport-proposed" bugs?[3] Is it worth having a mini backporting-sprint? (...) [3] https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bugs?field.tag=backport-proposed
There are 7 remaining "backport-proposed" bugs. One of them is the unfixed bug about extensions on OSX, which I can't work on.* The other 6 are related WMF/EMF export and all have fixes in trunk. I will try to backport the WMF/EMF fixes shortly.
The report has a patch which I have verified to work with the official package (0.48.2) on OS X Lion as well tested on Mac OS X Leopard to not have a negative effect on other platforms. The patch inserts a single line of code into a shell script inside the application bundle (no recompiling and repackaging needed to test).
It has been confirmed by two other users as well.
Committing to trunk should be save, and back-porting as well (I'd rather have raised importance to 'High' because it also affects several input/output extensions).
What is still missing in the 0.48.x branch and needs confirmation by Michael IMHO are the changes (in trunk) to one of the packaging scripts (packaging/macosx/osx-app.sh), used to fill the bundle with files from MacPorts (due to changed locations of the gdk-pixbuf configuration files and loaders): https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/819209/comments/13 http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~inkscape.dev/inkscape/trunk/revision/10026
hth, ~suv