Hey All!
Are there any larger features people are planning on still for this cycle that aren't well known? I know of the following still outstanding: *Krzysztof's new Node Tool *Soren's DBUS work (provided Ted is able to do his magic on it) *JonCruz's Adaptive UI work
I assume all kinds of smaller, less intrusive things are still on their way. However, I just want to make sure we keep track of the big things to keep this cycle tight and under control.
Proposed release plan: Mid-February for Chill Beginning of March Frost (Bug Hunt begins) End of March for Feature Freeze End of April for Hard Freeze Sometime in May for Branch & Release
I am planning on maintaining branches to patch in bug fixes for point releases this time. So we most likely will not do a bug hunt goal of 500 this time if things don't break badly (perhaps 300 if we're in decent shape, which makes the proposed plan feasible).
Cheers, Josh
I begun working again on the spatial indexing in 2geom, since this will also be part of my MSc thesis. However, it won't be ready for Inkscape for this release.
Regards Vangelis __________________________________________________ ×ñçóéìïðïéåßôå Yahoo!; ÂáñåèÞêáôå ôá åíï÷ëçôéêÜ ìçíýìáôá (spam); Ôï Yahoo! Mail äéáèÝôåé ôçí êáëýôåñç äõíáôÞ ðñïóôáóßá êáôÜ ôùí åíï÷ëçôéêþí ìçíõìÜôùí http://mail.yahoo.gr