I haven't tried launchpad's git support so can't comment on that.

Most people I have worked with have used Github, it has organization support and groups within organizations can get specific rights to specific repositories e.g. "inkscape developers" could get commit rights to Inkscape repository. Jenkins integration with Github is high priority for CloudBees, so that is a good choice from that perspective. The downside pointed out by many is that Github is a closed source service but I have no opinion on that. The second viable option as I see it is Gitlab.com. It runs Gitlab enterprise which is closed source _but_ Gitlab Community Edition is also available for us to install ourself. I wouldn't recommend running our own Gitlab CE instance at this point in time due to limited time to manage it. For organization and group support in Gitlab I believe it works just fine but haven't tried it myself.

As I see it both Github and Gitlab will work just fine for our needs. From my perspective the important part for Inkscape project is to keep the simple trunk-based workflow independent of SCM e.g. we shouldn't adopt git-flow workflow nor requirements that all merges go through a separate feature/bug fix branch.

If the move was today I would say Github is our best choice.

2016-02-05 7:16 GMT+01:00 Krzysztof KosiƄski <tweenk.pl@...400...>:
Eventually we probably need to move to Git. The user interface is
completely atrocious, but the fact it works from a single directory by
default is very convenient when using Eclipse, and Eclipse is an
elephantine monstrosity but has good code navigation. This could also
encourage more people to contribute, since almost all OSS developers
know Git, while a very limited number know Bazaar at this point.

The bug tracker and answer tracker should definitely stay on
Launchpad, but what about the code? Should we use Launchpad's nascent
Git support, or some other site like Github? What people think?

We can convert lib2geom first and apply the lessons learned to Inkscape.

Best regards, Krzysztof

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