Alas I don't have time to write code for you in some arbitrary language.
However I need to do his from time to time and I use Python.

If you are making a standalone parser for the svg file then you might consider the code below...
If you are writing an extension - search the docs for extension and you will find numerous examples - included with the inkscape package.

I suggest using python and the package called xml.dom.minidom
invoke it like this:

from xml.dom.minidom import parse, parseString
datasource = open(infile)
# get the entire DOM
dom = parse(datasource)

Now the entire dom is loaded and you can traverse the data structure getting/changing whatever you need....

Likewise you can write it out again the same way using:
data = dom.toprettyxml()
f = open(outfile, "w")

You can get the list of elements matching somename by using functions like:
elements = dom.getElementsByTagName(somename)

and reach inside them using routines like:
for e in elements:
            if e.getAttribute('name') == node_name:
                node = e

many more by looking at the minidom module docs
Best of luck...

On 6/23/2011 7:58 PM, Mahendra Gajera wrote:
Hi All

Here i upload save file of two separate line.
Now  I want read the position each line via programmatically, which are  as BOLD in following .svg file.
Please suggest the way get the position.Is other any document or example for that ,Please suggest me.
     inkscape:label="Layer 1"
       d="m 157.14285,315.21933 397.14286,-0.46595"
       inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
       d="m 162.85714,327.26862 385.71428,2.23643"
       inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />

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