Hi Sorry, I split this topic off from the other one about zooming.
Bulia Byak wrote:
Choosing export area is also bitmap-only. For vector export, we may only select which _objects_ to export (though we don't currently have code for this, always exporting the whole image), but not the export area. That only makes sense for bitmaps.
I see what you mean, but doesn't it also make sense to be able to export a region of the picture, or the whole picture, or the whole page, to postscript or encapsulated postscript? What if you want to print the bottom half of the picture, or send it somewhere else to be printed?
You're right though - the current Export Bitmap pane is very easy to use (I hadn't noticed the selection-tracking behaviour, though on my machine it seems to get stuck on "Custom" and I have to click "Selection" again to make it update).
So I suppose I'd like it to a) have a proper file browser (the same as the "Save as..." one) b) have a preview pane like you mentioned c) have a choice of file type.