On 19/6/11 22:11, Josh Andler wrote:
2011/6/19 Jon Cruz <jon@...18...>
On Jun 19, 2011, at 3:15 AM, Krzysztof KosiĆski wrote:
The Cairo rendering branch should be ready for merging. I fixed the rendering of controls, which was apparently the last blocker, and merged from trunk to fix conflicts.
Do we wait for Cairo 1.12 or put the experimental 1.11.2 in devlibs?
I thought things only would require 1.10, which is out and available. It would be best to stay with that for now, so that we can if nothing else get things properly compatible via version checks, etc.
You and I have discussed this numerous times. It doesn't require 1.12, but there are known bugs when using 1.10.
@Krzysztof - do you have notes or a list of known issues you could share? This could help with bug triage, if we don't have to test each new report against both versions of cairo.
With regard to the bug tracker - what tag should be use for bugs filed about the cairo renderer? Up to now, many reports about rendering glitches or errors are tagged with 'renderer', but new reports for current trunk better get a different tag (IMHO). Any proposals or preferences?