On Tue, Oct 11, 2005 at 04:50:10PM -0400, mental@...3... wrote:
In some areas, it might work best for us to "meet in the middle" and do some things as LGPLed libraries which could be used equally by a commercial Xara and the GPLed side (Inkscape or GPL-Xara).
In those cases, there would be no asymmetrical barriers to contribution -- to the extent they both used those libraries, both projects would benefit equally from any work on them.
This (LGPLing code) was one of the things we talked about. It makes sense and sounds doable on their end. On our end it's a bit more complicated by the fact that the original copyright holder for much of our code is still Lauris, so it's not in our ability to relicense code as LGPL. For stuff where Inkscapers have been the original creator, it'd be more feasible.
I agree that requiring copyright assignment would be asking too much.