On Jun 3, 2006, at 4:26 PM, Ben Fowler wrote:
On 03/06/06, David Himelright <himelright.2@...1307...> wrote:
Hmm, that is odd. I've been working from svn, hacked path-prefix.h up a few weeks ago. I'm thinking that the issue was fixed in source control before I even raised the issue. I've nuked the patched version of path-prefix.h and re-checked out from svn (12184), now rebuilding from source, and it looks like the defines are all in place now.
Are you saying that the problem is inactive? You seem to have been doing the same as I, and touch wood, it is O.K. for me.
Yes, unambiguously, yes! My version was bogus. SVN builds for me now, I'm running a fresh compile as I type this.
Re: building universal binaries - I certainly can cross-compile on a PPC system. The step I'd need to take first though would be to completely isolate my build system - including dependencies. I'm currently building support libraries with fink-unstable and while that takes a lot of the work out of patching and configuring dependencies, it also leaves a bit of a mess. I'll see what I can do today about cleaning up, isolating and rebuilding dependencies (gtk, gtkmm, pango) from source outside of the system path.
There was something on the list about two weeks ago, and whilst I haven't built on Tiger since then, I beleive that the ;standard methods' are working.
I'll look at the build doc and try to get things scripted out using the canonical process, now that I've run the gauntlet a couple of times with training wheels (using the package manager).
Thanks Ben,
On Jun 3, 2006, at 3:12 PM, Ben Fowler wrote:
On 03/06/06, David Himelright <himelright.2@...1307...> wrote:
I'm building at home on a Tiger (10.4.6) G4 system, and we've got some G5s at work running other versions.
Incidentally, I wish our lab had some Intel Macs so I could offer to patch the packaging scripts for universal binary, but I might be able to find one if I look around.
David, we very definitely need someone to investigate producing a Universal Binary for version 0.44; I cannot see my way to doing anything about it.
You might want to look at http://developer.apple.com/opensource/ buildingopensourceuniversal.html which I came acroos about a week ago whilst looking for something else.
On your problem: The page at http://inkscape.modevia.com/doxygen/html/path-prefix_8h-source.php differs from my checked out version.
Are you working from svn or from some tarball?
On Jun 3, 2006, at 2:37 PM, Ben Fowler wrote:
On 03/06/06, Jon A. Cruz <jon@...18...> wrote:
On Jun 3, 2006, at 10:57 AM, David Vincent Himelright wrote:
> FYI, I just joined inkscape-devel and I'm building on Mac OS X/ > PPC. > There are some redefinitions of preprocessor macros in path- > prefix.h > that break the build on my platform (CREATE_GRADIENTSDIR, > CREATE_PALETTESDIR, CREATE_PATTERNSDIR).
Can you point out which OS X version, etc. you have?
This is a True Bill, but I thought that it been fixed in svn.
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