2009/12/2 Joshua A. Andler <scislac@...400...>:
I think the idea of auto-applying a clippath to an image in Node tool is good, but it must happen not on switch to the tool of course, but e.g. on doubleclicking the image in the Node tool.
I completely agree and double-clicking sounds like a great solution!
Cheers, Josh
I think it should be under right click. I would expect double clicking an image to bring up an external editor or a trace dialog but never a clipping path. If I were to search for something like this I would first look in right click menu for an option named "crop image." This would just add a clipping rectangle and select it for editing.
The right click menus need a serious overhaul, because they are now rather useless in most cases and they could be immensely helpful in minimizing the distance the user's mouse pointer must travel to do meaningful things :)
Regards, Krzysztof